Is there a problem with the car? Dashboard Light Meanings on our iPhone

Apple’s Visual Find feature enables us to identify possible faults in a car by simply taking a photo of its dashboard. The same system that helps us to recognize animals, plants and monuments directly from the iPhone is much more than that. It recognizes food and searches for the corresponding recipes and, as is currently the case, can detect any error in the car by recognizing symbols on the dashboard.

What do the little lights on the car mean?
When warning or emergency lights are found on a vehicle’s dashboard, it’s not always clear what they mean. Warnings range from advisory lights to symbols that relate to specific functions of the vehicle, such as ventilation, brakes or automatic windshield wipers. Instead of having to consult the vehicle manual or a mechanic to find out what’s going on, we can simply take a picture of the car’s dashboard.

Then, assuming we’re running iOS 17 or later, we open the Photos app and look for said image. If the iPhone recognizes the symbols, a special steering wheel icon will appear in the lower toolbar, indicating that more information about the recognized symbols is available. Simply tap the button and then tap “Visual Find: Cars” at the top and iPhone will display the results.

There will be a brief description of the symbol’s representation, its name, its meaning and a link to more information about the error message on the Internet. Of course, we will see all the illuminated symbols listed on the dashboard, so with a general photo we will get a complete diagnosis. It is important to keep this feature in mind when we need to be reliably informed about the condition of the vehicle.